“My art is a joyful expression of life and a reflection of my spiritual journey, an ongoing exploration of my true self. Fueled by curiosity and courage, I spontaneously craft images guided by my intuition. Through my art, I aim to inspire others, both through my optimistic being and the visual imagery I create. Like a visual symphony, my images resonate with the tone, rhythm, and spirit, of improvised jazz music. My purpose is to craft bright moments that invite you to connect with your own intuition and tap into an endless well of possibilities.”
— Joseph Liberti
— Joseph Liberti

Artist Statement


Meet Joseph Liberti, an artist and a jazz musician with a reverent passion for nature. He lovingly dubs himself a "Creative Spiritual Warrior," expressing that "creating art has been the most transformative journey of my life." While his primary focus lies in crafting intuitive abstract paintings, Joseph's work is also a profound reflection of his emotional and spiritual bond with the natural world.

In his artwork, you'll discover within his evocative abstract paintings the echoes of nature's forms: the contours of rocks, the grace of trees, and the undulating landscapes. Joseph's paintings sometimes reflect the gentle morning light filtering through leaves and dancing on the earth, infusing his compositions with vibrant colors and mesmerizing highlights.

Joseph's creative journey took an unexpected turn. Coping with the loss of his beloved canine hiking companion, he turned to point-and-shoot nature photography. As he delved into the world of modern photo editing software, he found his enthusiasm kindled by the realm of digital art. Through countless trials, errors, and dedicated practice, Joseph honed his unique artistic technique.

His art has been exhibited in galleries including Kreuser Gallery, Surface Gallery, and G44 in Colorado Springs, while also earning him Gold, Silver, and Bronze awards in juried online competitions. Camelback Gallery, an online gallery headquartered in Scotsdale, AZ, named him Artist of the Month on two occasions in 2023.

The goal of Joseph’s current collection of evocative abstract art is to fire your intuition and evoke hope and possibility.

Through his artistry, Joseph strives to ignite a sense of wonder and appreciation for the beauty of life and a sense of hope. His creations serve as a bridge to the sublime, connecting viewers with boundless possibilities.

Joseph Liberti


Follow me and my art.

EMail: Art@josephliberti.com

Phone: 719-428-7117
